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Ed Windels

#WFH Tip 1: Make the day right by starting the day right

Updated: May 26, 2020

Ease into the day. Give your brain and your self a chance to settle and center. Avoid devices and social media. Many people I know seem to be on their devices before they’re even out of bed. If you’re going to be your best self that you can be - and therefore the best partner to your clients or colleagues - take a few minutes to let your mind and spirit fully coalesce before admitting the confusion of the world. If you’re a meditator, this is the perfect time. If you have a dog, perfect time for a walk - deviceless. Or just take the time to breathe and think of the day ahead. The world, the news, the latest news and developments, will all be waiting for you.

My own easement in to the day is a Spotify “Wake Up” playlist I turn on as soon as I’m awake. As a musician on the other side of my life, music is an integral part of activating my brain, stimulating and centering me, so for me there's no better way to instigate the possibilities of the days ahead.

What are your routines? What sparks your day to be its best? Share them here so others can be inspired.

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